Thank you to my wonderful friend Kate Granlund, I am about 98% done with the save-the-date cards! Over my lunch break today I think I am going to go over the list one more time, make last minute changes, and then put them in a mail box!! That will feel amazing to have them out of my hands.
Kate and I had a fun girls night eating ice cream, watching our Frankie and Annette beach party DVDs, and addressing save the dates! It felt like back when we were at Bethel staying up late doing homework and watching FRIENDS together... oh the great college memories!
I am also super excited about a new young adult LifeGroup that Dustin and I are helping to start! We will be co-leading with Greg & Amber Linz at their house... we are meeting with them tonight to talk about it. Names, structure, events, etc. This will be a branch off of U30 because we grew too big! How fun!
I'm excited now that you told me about the new lifegroup. I however already attend 4, but support you whole-heartedly.
OK WHAT?!?!?! I randomly found your blog the other day in my newest addiction...wedding blogs. So I started reading yours today, and started from the beginning. I kept thinking "I need to stop reading this blog, because this girl is from Mpls like me and I'll end up wanting to be her!" and THEN I get to this post...Kate Granlund is my BFF since 1st grade!!!! SHUT UP! And I don't see enough of her - maybe because she's doing wedding tasks for other people. :) (BTW, I'm not engaged...just hopeful.) Anyway, HAD to share!
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