Thursday, September 24, 2009


We have officially been married for 96 days now... I cant believe we are almost to the triple digits! In all of our marriage counseling, they have urged us to understand that the habits that we start in our first year of marriage will carry through to the rest of our lives together. Habits are hard to break. Therefore, i've been trying to get into some good habits, ones that will benefit us for years to come.

"The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian was recommended to us in our counseling (as well as "The Power of a Praying Husband"). I've been going through the prayers in the book as often as I can to pray for Dustin in specific ways. A few days ago, a woman came into the clinic that I work at and described how this book literally saved her marriage.

Well... prayer saved her marriage, not the book... but the prayers in the book really helped! She proceeded to tell me that her husband had an affair and she really wished she had been praying for her husband urgently from the beginning of their marriage and that she thought the affair could have been avoided if she had truly been praying for him. She really encouraged me and challenged me to be diligent in my prayers for Dustin and for our marriage to prevent anything from getting between us down the line.

I want to make sure that I am the wife that God called me to be... putting the Lord first and trusting in him to be the center of our lives. I just wanted to recommend this book to my readers... maybe even if you aren't married yet. I think it would even be good to pray these prayers for whoever might still come into your life :-)


Christa Ann said...

That is soo wonderful Lindsay. God is going to answer your prayers. I am definitely going to check out those books. Thanks for sharing.

Christina said...

Great insight Linds!! I actually just recommended that book to someone this week, but have never actually read it myself, I need to though!! You are an amazing wife, your desire to glorify God is such a beautiful thing!! God must be smiling upon you because I am smiling, so how much more does that bring him joy :)