We enjoyed a night of LOST and 24 last night! SO many questions are being answered (on LOST)! I am seriously concerned that I may cry a little bit when the show is over this season. LOST has been my show-of-shows, if you will.
Also, I got an award! Yay! Mateya, of "Our Journey From Iraq to The Alter" gave me the Bogart Award! Thanks Mateya!
"This award means you're really going places, Baby. You'll still be blogging about your great adventures 10 years from now, and I'll still be reading them."
- Post where you would like to be in 10 years
- Pass it on to 10 other special Bloggers!
Lets see, in 10 years I will be 36......Eeeek! I will have been married for 10 years, and will hopefully have about 2 or 3 young kids in our house. I hope to have a leadership role in my church and in the marketplace. Possibly have my own company of sorts. Although I don't know how my ambition of being a stay-at-home mom fits into that. We will have to see. I hope that my husband and I will be able to help others around us, and be a blessing to those in need.
And now I would like to pass this Blog award to the following 10 wonderful ladies (not in any particular order!)
- Alanna @ Alanna In Suburbia
- Jamie @ Always On My Mind
- Christa Ann@ The Future Mrs. Walsh
- Christina @ Another Year in Sweden
- The Startup Wife (sorry, I realized I don't know your first name!)
- Ashley @ Get Reale.
- Tiffany @ Dreams Do Come True
- Lauren @ Tales of the Addicted Scrapper
- Shan @ Design Gal & Her Handyman
- Erin @ beauty:design:life
I hope you enjoy checking out these 10 blogs! Happy Wednesday!

thanks so much for the award!
I will do this tonight
Oooh, how exciting!! Thank you so much! I LOVE thinking about ten-years-from-now type questions, and I loved reading your answer!
And it's Kelly. :) I can't figure out how to put that in the Blogger 'signature.' Because I'm incompetent.
Maybe in ten years? ;)
Yay!! Thanks Linds!! I'll get back to blogging in a week after my research paper is done!! Can't wait ;) love you!
I have a award for you over at my blog...
get your award here...
very fun!
Congrats on your award lady!
First, love your signature!!
Second, I love hearing your dreams for 10 years. I have some similar ones...I can't believe we haven't really dug into these together. I want to start a business, help lead a church, have 5 children, and work from home...HOW DOES THAT ALL HAPPEN?? Will I be completely insane?
Third, I hope we're still tackling all of this together in 10 years.
Love ya, Linds!
Thanks Lindsay!!! I just finished mine ;)
I love that you have a giving heart, and want to help others! I hope that in 10 years you have touched many lives with your kindness.
aww Thank you so much!! You are the best!
Thank you soo much for the surprise : ) I am excited to do this!!
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