Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's Your Decorating Style?

This post is dedicated to my friend Amy and her blog, Modern Chemistry.  Amy and her husband are remodeling their home and are inspiring me.  A lot.  In her most recent post, Amy features a website, Sproost, that allows you to determine your decorating style.

I went to Sproost to determine my own style.  I am a sucker for personal quizzes!  My specific style combines three more general styles:
{Cottage Chic}

{Traditional Country}

{Rustic Revival}
I could sum up these results with a few stores: Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware.  The Sproost site even lets you create a room layout relating to your style if you just enter your e-mail address!  Such a fun site!  

**OK, so I totally just did the quiz and got a different set of answers/photos.  The second time through, this was my result:
Apparently I am a total "rustic revival" person, and I agree with the Nantucket, but I am not 100% sold on the French Eclectic.  There are parts of it I like, and parts I don't. 
****OK, so I took the quiz a 3rd time :-)  I think this is the best fit for my personal taste:  
{I LOVE the feel of this room!}
Take the test and let me know what your results are!!


Unknown said...

Love quizzes like this! I got 50% Arts and Crafts and 50% Modern Elegance. Interesting mix.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Holy wow, I got 100% arts and crafts! That was a neat quiz.

Barbara said...

I love the rustic revival one! That's my style.

Natalie said...

I got 86% mountain lodge style.. You love nature! And really, how could you not? The more exposed wood (be it in log form or paneling) the better. And having natural stone in your home is a must! Especially at the fireplace, but stone top tables work too. If you could clad all the furniture in wood and stone you would, but splinters aren't fun and stone is cold! So when you need a place to sit (or recline in!), it should be comfortable and warm. Bigger is better when it comes to your favorite chair for watching TV or reading the newspaper. Leather is great (go natural!), but soft fabrics in warm tones also suit you well.
... I wouldn't have necessarily thought that but.. I do like wood and stone and big windows.. and leather.. so i guess it makes sense lol

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

Oh lovely! I love rustic style.

Mateya said...

I have a little surprise for you over on my blog!

monica said...

i love this test! i had it on my blog a couple weeks ago. isn't it fun and addicting. too bad all tests aren't like that!

i love your blog too, i am so happy i stumbled upon it.

oh, and i love minneapolis!

meig said...

So fun!! I got 36% Rustic Revival 36% Hollywood Couture & 28% Modern Elegance! Very cute blog by the way!

Rachel said...

57% Nantucket Style
43% Cottage Chic