Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aisle Runner

Well, I officially gave up with my good intentions on the aisle runner. I know I could have done it myself, but it feels so much better to put the pressure on someone else! Etsy is my new favorite shop! Check it out!

I hired a lady in Washington to do it for me! We've been conversing back and forth ab0ut the design and the material.... I am so excited! Its definately going to be a different type of aisle runner and I love that! Just one less thing for me to think about now, which makes my brain smile. Now I can do less big DIY projects (unless I go back on that site and hire other people too! haha)

I don't really want to post any pictures of what it will all look like because I want you all to be surprised at how it all turns out now! Only 115 more days!

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