Monday, April 20, 2009

Aisle Runner is Here!

OK, I realize this is my second post today... BUT my aisle runner arrived!!! I have been pretty good about not posting pictures up that will ruin the fun and give away all the details for the wedding, but this is one thing I just really want to post a picture of it!! BUT I just can't do it til after the wedding :) ha.

I hired someone off of to create this for me... its hand painted and she custom sewed satin edging along the length of the runner. I can't wait to walk down this thing in 61 days! I just have to iron it a bit first... :-) Big thank you to Heather from CertainlyChic for being fabulous!

1 comment:

Christina said...

yeah!! so glad you love your aisle runner, and you're right, it will be so grand to be surprised by all the details the day of!! can't wait to see this detail in 61 days!