Thursday, August 6, 2009

Setting up House

Life has been feeling so crazy for the past month, I havent even blogged about anything. I miss it. Dustin and I have finally started to settle down into our house! We have some furniture arranged, and I am now setting up our china cabinet with all oru china pieces we got for our wedding!

Its been fun to make this OUR house. I really need to post some pictures on here, but I lost my camera charger and the one Dustin ordered for me has not arrived yet. SO, no pictures for you to see. I'll get on that soon. Basically, I really like married life so far. It has its challenges from all the new adjustments we both have to make, but I am learning to grow closer to God through all of this! I like that! I like getting to live with my best friend!


J said...

Aw! Congrats, this is so sweet!

Natalie said...

marriage is an adjustment :) sorry I couldnt make it to heritage. I thought of you. I think of you often!