I just read Christa's blog about trusting God, and had a recent convorsation with Christina about the same topic. I have realized that no matter WHAT stage of life I am/will be in, I will never have to stop trusting God. For the past 23 years of my life I felt like I was always having to trust God that I wouldn't end up by myself... that I would find someone to spend the rest of my life with.
Now that God has given Dustin & I to eachother, i've realized that I am still worrying/trusting God about things... this time its with our house search. We went out again yesterday looking for a house. We didnt see anything we would consider buying. At all. It is just a little discouraging after we found a house that we both LOVED. I feel like nothing compares to that house. 131 days to go, and we don't know where we are going to live.
So here I am... still trusting. Trying to trust and not worry. God knows which house we are supposed to live in, and he knows the perfect timing. All we can do is just wait. I am still learning a lot about patience :-)
Oh, my J.Crew shoes came in, they are a tiny bit big, but I am going to get gel foot things to make it fit better. The shoes are very gorgeous! I think my feet have shrunk, seriously. Also, we didnt end up registering at REI, instead we went to Macy's and had fun with the scanner!!
Did you know that at Macys you can get TONS OF FREE stuff if you just put certain dollar amounts of certain brands on your registry?? Dustin is having fun figuring out what all we can get :) ha. AND is staying busy looking everything up on Consumer Reports so we register for the best products. He surprisingly decided against registering at REI, because he said he would rather get tools if he gets to register for anything. He was so cute and googley-eyed walking down the tool and lawn-mower isles at Sears yesterday.
I get to marry Dustin :)
still extremely surprised i did it. Didn't hurt much, but I didn't look either :)
Trusting God is so key> even though it is something i have known my whole life, it is still something I need to daily remind myself.
Ooh, I couldn't agree more! Trusting God is a continuous journey that is meant to be taken one day at a time! But it is difficult when some things take planning! I know it's much easier when you're the outside looking in, but I believe that I will be able to visit you in your new home in 5 months! I can't wait :)
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