I havent really thought about wedding stuff in a week... part of me feels bad about that. I've been so wrapped up into the house stuff. I think thats ok though, because finding a place to live after we get married is part of becoming Lindsay May, so I can blog about it as much as I want :)
Today has been a challenging day for me. We still havent heard anything from our realtor about the house. I keep checking Edina Realty to see if the house has been listed, and it is not yet, so that is a good thing I guess. I am mostly wondering what their listing price will be. We wrote an offer for what the rumored price would be, but we can't count on it being official until its actually official! I am desprately trying to be patient (if being desprate and patient at the same time is even a possibility). We were hoping to know what it would be listed as last Friday... and now its almost end of business day Monday.
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day! Mine was spectacular! I slept in, worked out, got dressed up and made my hair curly for Dustin (my hair is not naturally curly, so its a big accomplishment for me!! ha). Dustin loves when I make my hair curly for him, he says its a present. Sorry, we didnt take ANY pictures :( I've gotten into a horrible habit of not taking photos of us lately.... I need to improve! He arrived at my house with a dozen red roses for me, BEAUTIFUL!!
Here is what we did for V-day:
- Dustin picked me up and took me to the conservatory at the Como Zoo (it was PACKED with people so bad that it smelled like B.O. so we didnt stay there super long). It was great just to walk around with him and hold his hand looking at all the pretty plants
- We picked up a quick snack of Sushi to tide us over til dinner at Biaggi's at the Eden Prairie Mall
- Decided to walk around at the mall until it was time for our reservations at 6:30pm (which he made over a month ago!! Way to plan ahead!!). We ended up walking around in Sears to look at appliances. Dustin wanted to look at the tool section, and I ended up seeing a huge miter saw (I don't know if thats really what it is...) for only $36... normally they are at least $180. Dustin was going crazy about it so I bought it for him for part of his Valentines gift, he was so giddy! I loved it :)
- Dinner was so GREAT! Dustin knows my favorite food is Itallian (its not his) so this was a treat for me since we don't have it a ton. I had the best stuffed chicken, and he got his favortie sea scallops and shrimp :) Yummy in our tummies.
- After dinner he took me back to his house where he set up a "tent" made of blankets downstairs in his room. SO cute! He had set up an area where we could play games by candle light (he had some tea lights on a plate!!). He even had the "Instant Fireplace DVD" playing on his TV so its like there was a fire going. haha. It was so cute.
- What did he get me????? I know you are curious :) Well, it was actually several things. First, he handed me some fire starters (for when he takes me camping for the first time this summer). Then he handed me a book, "The Power of a Praying Wife"(he got himself the husband version), then he handed me a t-shirt swimsuit cover up with a hood that he said is for our honeymoon, THEN, he handed me a little box with a ring in it... NOT a real one, but its one that I can wear for mission trips and when we travel out of the country. THEN he handed me a game, "Torpedo Battleship" where you actually blast the ships off of the game board with actual water... haha. THEN he gave me my last gift.... INDIANA JONES MONOPOLY, COLLECTORS EDDITION!!! I LOVE it. He knows me so well :)
- What did I get him? Well, kinda lame compared to his gifts actually. I got him some nice under armour he wanted to wear for his workouts and for the triathalon he wants to do with my family in July. I think he definately was just thrilled to get the power tool earlier that it didnt matter WHAT I got him, ha. I know he likes it and will use it, so thats good.
1 comment:
oh, linds, i hope the house stuff gets worked out. i can't believe you haven't been thinking about the wedding!! that's a shocker. ;) your v-day sounded like fun!!
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